Passengers Movement by Airports
60.0%  57.2% 


Million Passengers
Surplus (Deficit) in Government Budget
61.0%  33.8% 


Billion USD
Electricity Production
1.5%  7.5% 


Oil Production
2.3%  0.6% 


Million B/D
Non Oil National Exports
39.1%  44.7% 


Billion USD
Exports to Imports Ratio
28.4%  5.3% 


Total Revenues
23.6%  4.1% 


Billion USD
30.9%  2.9% 


Billion USD
  • Our Values

    Integrity Excellence Professionalism Collaboration Relevence
  • Our Mission

    Leverage the Power of statistical information to support decision making, research and dialogue within GCC nations
  • Our Vision

    A reliable source and an effective engine driving the statistical system for the GCC



Total Imports


Higher education enrollment index



















  • GCC statistical information e-link to GCC-Stat
  • General Secretary of the GCC attends the ceremony of giving the ISO Certificate 27001 in information security to the GCC – STAT
  • GCC-Stat Hosts the Preparatory Meeting of the International Conference of Labour Statisticians
  • GCC-Stat Hosts the Meeting for the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA)
  • Discussing the adoption of the GCC-Stat Data Quality Framework in the GCC Countries
  • GCC statistical information e-link to GCC-Stat

    GCC statistical information e-link to GCC-Stat

     GCC-Stat has signed on this Thursday 20th June 2019 an agreement to implement the project “Integrated End to End Statistical Solution” “MRSA”. The project connects electronically the GCC-Stat to the GCC national statistical centers, it aims to establish high quality updated central database for national statistics of the member States at the regional level, where data are compiled, exchanged, processed and disseminated electronically and safely.

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  • General Secretary of the GCC attends the ceremony of giving the ISO Certificate 27001 in information security to the GCC – STAT

    General Secretary of the GCC attends the ceremony of giving the ISO Certificate 27001 in information security to the GCC – STAT

    Under the auspices of His Excellency Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, General Secretary of the GCC, who attended the ceremony of giving the ISO Certificate 27001 in information security to the GCC – STAT, which was held on Thursday morning, 6th of September at the headquarters of the Center in the capital of Oman, Muscat.

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  • GCC-Stat Hosts the Preparatory Meeting of the International Conference of Labour Statisticians

    GCC-Stat Hosts the Preparatory Meeting of the International Conference of Labour Statisticians

    The works of the Regional Preparatory Meeting for the 20th International Conference of Labour Statisticians were started Monday the 9th of October 2017 in Muscat, Oman. The meeting was attended by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and a number of Arab countries. The meeting, that lasted for three days, was hosted by the Statistical Center of the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC-Stat) at its headquarters in Airport Heights. It aimed to discuss the technical issues with the countries of the region to ensure that the ILO's revised standards cover all types of work as well as the priorities of the labour force data in the region.

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  • GCC-Stat Hosts the Meeting for the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA)

    GCC-Stat Hosts the Meeting for the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA)

    Wednesday the 26th of September, the GCC-Stat hosted the 30th session of the meeting for the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. The meeting was held over two days and was attended by 25 concerned international and regional organizations, including: United Nations Statistics Division, The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), and a group of United Nations international committees. This marks the first time a committee meeting has been held in the Middle East, specifically in Muscat.

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  • Discussing the adoption of the GCC-Stat Data Quality Framework in the GCC Countries

    Discussing the adoption of the GCC-Stat Data Quality Framework in the GCC Countries

    Sunday the 9th of April, in its headquarters at the Omani capital, Muscat, the GCC-Stat organized a regional workshop on the management of quality in register-based censuses in the GCC countries. The workshop lasted for two days and ended on Tuesday 11th of April 2017.

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  • Statistics day 2019


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  • Education Statistics

    This summary reviews the most important statistics of education that serve users in the education sector in the GCC countries. It deals with three main subjects: students, teachers and educational facilities, as provided by data from official sources according to the international standards and standards adopted for the production of education statistics .

  • Monetary and Financial Statistics

    The report includes an analysis of the activity and performance of the Gulf financial markets in addition to the most prominent developments related to the activity of these markets, which include changes in the legislative, regulatory and awareness frameworks, as well as everything related to supervision, control, investor protection, governance and developments in the field of international and regional cooperation and exchange of experiences, with the aim of introducing investors to various aspects The developments and performance of these markets.

  • Foreign Trade Statistics

    The report addresses the most important developments and trends in the external trade indicators of the GCC with the outside world, as well as indicators and trends of intra-GCC trade. 

  • Tourism Statistics in the GCC Countries

    his summary light on the most important indicators of tourism in the GCC countries, represented by the number of tourists coming to the GCC countries and their spending, the method of arrival used for arriving tourists and the length of their stay, in addition to the most prominent indicators of hotel performance. The summary also explores some of the indicators of inter-tourism (between the GCC countries Cooperat).

  • Energy Statistics in GCC countries

    This report reviews the most important data and indicators related to energy statistics, which are detailed at different levels, whether collectively at the level of the GCC as a bloc or in detail at the level of Member States, as well as highlighting some important phenomena or changes.


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GCC Annual Statistical Yearbook 2018

GCC Annual Statistical Yearbook 2018

May 2018 Edition

ارتفاع أسعار السلع والخدمات الاستهلاكية في دول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية في أغسطس 2020م مقارنة مع نفس الشهر من العام السابق بنسبة بلغت 3.1%


تاريخ الإصدار: 11 أكتوبر 2020م

تشير البيانات الصادرة عن المركز الإحصائي لدول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية بأن أسعار المستهلكين لدول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية شهدت ارتفاعًا في مستوى أسعارها بنسبة 3.1% في شهر أغسطس 2020م مقارنة بنفس الفترة من العام السابق.

ووفقا للأرقام الصادرة اليوم عن المركز الإحصائي لدول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية، شهدت مجموعة التبغ ارتفاعًا بنسبة 11.2%، ومجموعة الأغذية والمشروبات 10.0%، ومجموعة الاتصالات 6.2%، ومجموعة المطاعم والفنادق 5.6%، ومجموعة الأثاث والتجهيزات المنزلية 5.3%، ومجموعة السلع والخدمات المتنوعة 4.3%، ومجموعة الملابس والأحذية 4.0%، ومجموعة النقل 2.2%، ومجموعة الصحة 1.4%، ومجموعة التعليم 1.3 %، في المقابل انخفضت أسعار مجموعة الثقافة والترفيه بنسبة
-9.7%،ومجموعة السكن -0.9%.

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Over the 12 months to October 2018, GCC consumer prices rose by 4.2%

Issue date: 11 December 2018

Over the 12 months to October 2018, Price change for consumer goods and services (excluding housing)[1] in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries rose by 4.2%, according to figures released today by GCC-Stat, the Statistical Center for the Cooperation Council of the Arab Countries of the Gulf.

The biggest increases were for Tobacco 10.2%, Transport 9.1%, Restaurant & Hotels by 6.5%, Food 4.2%, Recreation 3.2%, Furnishings 3.1%, Health 2.6%, Education 2.0%, Communication 1.6%, Miscellaneous 0.8%, and Clothing and Footwear 0.7%.

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