Reference date Current value Pervious value % 2017 9,121,167 9,121,167 ... Population (No.) ... ... ... ... Population Natural Increase Rate in GCC Countries(000 from population) 2016 0.3 … … Female ratio from total population (%) 2016 0.7 … … Male ratio from total population (%) ... ... ... ... Percentage of population among the GCC countries (%) -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Births (No) 2014 - 95,860.0 - Deaths (No) 2014 - 8,265.0 - Life expectancy at birth (%) - - - - Marriages (No) 2015 7,357.0 6,921.0 6% Divorce Cases (No) 2015 4,809.0 4,809.0 14% Marriage for each divorce case (%) 2014 1.5 1.6 -0.1 -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Total Labour Force (000) - - - - Total Citizens Labour Force (000) - - - - Labour Force Participation Rate (%) - - - - Citizen Labour Force Participation Rate (%) - - - - Percentage of Citizens in Labour Force from the Total Labour Force (%) - - - - Total working Age Population (000) - - - - Total Citizens Working Age Population (000) - - - - Total employed (000) - - - - Total Citizens Employed (000) - - - - Total Unemployed (000) - - - - Total Citizens Unemployed (000) - - - - -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Early Childhood Students (Gov. & Private) (No) - 163,533.0 150,355.0 8.8% School Teachers (Gov. and privates) (No) 2014 17,161.0 18,034.0 5.1% School Students (Gov. and Private) (No) 2014 959,439.0 967,490.0 0.8% Literacy rate (%) - - - - Institutions of higher education (No) 2014 14.0 15.0 7.1% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Physician per 10,000 of the population (No) 2014 20.2 19.4 4.0% Dentists per 10,000 of the population (No) - - - Nursing staff (No) (No) 2014 33,429.0 31,119.0 7.4% Hospitals (No) 2014 115.0 107.0 7.5% /td> average length of patient stay in hospital (No) - - - - Hospital Beds (No) 2014 10,953.0 11,657.0 6.4% Hospital beds per 10,000 of the population (No) 2014 14.1 13.3 6.0% Bed occupancy rate (%) - - - - Infectious diseases reported (No) - - - - daily average of outpatient visits (No) - - - - -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Government Revenue (Mn USD) 2015 (28,843.2) (18,833.6) 53.1% Government Expenditures (Mn USD) 2015 80,336.9 115,190.1 -30.3% Surplus or deficit in the government budget (Mn USD) 2015 109,180.1 134,023.7 -18.5% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Currency in Circulation(in National Currency, million) 2016 77,551.0 73,522.0 5.5% General index of financial markets (Mn USD) 2014 4,314.0 4,580.0 6.2% Money supply (Mn AED) 2014 63,927.0 74,472.0 16.5% Money supply (M1) (Mn AED) 2016 473,938.0 456,934.0 3.7% bank deposits (Mn AED) 2016 1,562,907.0 1,471,618.0 6.2% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Oil Production (000' B/D) 2014 2,797.0 2,794.0 -0.1% Crude Natural Gas (Mn Cu feet /D) 2014 5,286.0 5,251.0 -0.7% Electricity Production (Mn K.WِATT) 2014 109,979 116,528.0 6.0% Water Production (B Gal) 2014 412.0 428.0 3.9% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Inflation Exclude housing( base year = 2007) (%) 2015 1.9 1.4 - CPI exclude housing (base year = 2007) (Index) 2015 126.8 128.53 - -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % GNI (Mn USD) 2014 402,680.5 399,729.0 -0.7% GDP in Current Price (Mn USD) 2014 387,192.0 399,451.3 3.2% Growth rate at current prices (%) 2014 3.7 3.2 -14.1% Gross Domestic Product Per Capita (No) 2014 46,852.5 48,335.9 3.2% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Total Exports (Mn USD) 2014 232,980.0 213,937.0 -8.2% Total Imports (Mn USD) 2014 186,540.0 189,632.7 1.7% Rate of Non-oil exports in total exports (%) 2014 17.3 16.8 -2.8% Trade Balance (Mn USD) 2014 46,440.0 24,304.3 -47.7% Total Trade (Mn USD) 2014 419,520.0 403,569.7 -3.8% Intra Trade - Imports (Mn USD) 2014 8,688.9 8,275.9 -4.8% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Hotels (No) 2014 548.0 649.0 18.4% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Registered Vehicals (000) 2014 2,674.9 2,941.8 10.0% Accidents (No) 2014 5,124.0 4,367.0 -14.8% Internet lines (000) 2014 1,042.0 1,090.0 4.6% Fixed telephone lines (000) 2014 2,086.0 2,103.0 0.8%