GCC statistical information e-link to GCC-Stat
GCC-Stat has signed on this Thursday 20th June 2019 an agreement to implement the project “Integrated End to End Statistical Solution” “MRSA”. The project connects electronically the GCC-Stat to the GCC national statistical centers, it aims to establish high quality updated central database for national statistics of the member States at the regional level, where data are compiled, exchanged, processed and disseminated electronically and safely.
GCC-Stat spokeswoman Suha Al Ruqaishi said that the project is one of strategic plan for GCC joint statistical work program (2015-2020), pointing that the completion period of the project is 18 months effect from the date of signature, as the statistical data collection phase has completed successfully by GCC-Stat’s internal committee.
She stated that “MRSA” project carries out to realize connectivity, integration and coordination of GCC statistical work as well as GCC-Stat can be a reliable source of high quality statistical information to support decision making, planning and monitoring the achievements and to measure the performance of GCC.
Al Ruqaishi affirmed the role of the project in facilitation the processes of compilation, analysis and dissemination of statistical data and information of GCC countries by data exchange through e-linking with partners of GCC statistical work, which will have significant positive effect to achieve strategic goals.
GCC-Stat spokeswoman indicated that the project has called “MRSA” since it’s easy word to be pronounced, mainly MRSA is linked with GCC countries as anchorage is coast station, it’s contact point of ships to refuel, equip or maintain and sail again, similarly data flows from national statistical centers to land in GCC-Stat, then process and reproduce to be disseminated by GGC-Stat as one socio-economic bloc