Items tagged with EDUCATION

Education Statistics

Education Statistics

5.8/10 rating (18 votes)

This summary reviews the most important statistics of education that serve users in the education sector in the GCC countries. It deals with three main subjects: students, teachers and educational facilities, as provided by data from official sources according to the international standards and standards adopted for the production of education statistics .

Wednesday, 08 January 2025
Annual Statistical Yearbook

Annual Statistical Yearbook

4.9/10 rating (12 votes)

The book includes statistical data on the GCC countries for the years . The book is divided into ten chapters. The first chapter sheds light on the location and status of the GCC countries in the international economic indicators. Chapter 2 reviews the population and vital data. Chapter 3 and 4 deals with education statistics and health services , And agriculture and livestock. Chapter 5 is devoted to foreign trade statistics. Chapter 6 deals with the economic and financial statistics of the GCC countries. Chapter VII covers energy and water statistics. Chapter 8 and 9 Which was devoted to industry statistics, transport, communications, museums and tourist attractions.

Sunday, 01 December 2019

Education Indicators 2012

7.3/10 rating (4 votes)

This bulletin contains statistical data on students, graduates, scholarship students and teaching staff, as well as intra-infrastructure for the education sector.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Publications of the National Statistical Agencies

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