Reference date Current value Pervious value % Population (No) 2014 3,448,139.0 3,767,415.0 9.3% Population Natural Increase Rate in GCC Countries(000 from population) (000 from population) 2014 16.5 15.5 -6.1% Child Dependency Ratio for Total Population in GCC Countries (%) 2014 29.7 29.4 -1.0% Percentage of population among the GCC countries (%) 2014 7.1 7.5 6.0% Male ratio from total population (%) 2014 56.1 55.7 -0.7% Femal ratio from total population (%) 2014 43.9 44.3 0.9% Gender ratio (males per 100 females) (%) 2014 128.0 125.5 -2.0% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Births (No) 2014 59,426.0 61,313.0 3.2% Deaths (No) 2014 5,909.0 6,031.0 2.1% Life expectancy at birth (%) - - - - Marriages (No) 2014 15,118.0 15,086.0 -0.2% Divorce Cases (No) 2014 6,904.0 7,327.0 6.1% Marriage for each divorce case (%) 2014 2.2 2.1 -6.0% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Total Labour Force (000) 2014 1,800.0 2,032.6 12.9% Total Citizens Labour Force (000) 2014 350.2 342.2 -2.3% Labour Force Participation Rate (%) 2014 67.2 71.7 6.7% Citizen Labour Force Participation Rate (%) 2014 48.1 45.7 -5.0% Percentage of Citizens in Labour Force from the Total Labour Force (%) 2014 19.5 16.8 -13.8% Total working Age Population (000) 2014 2,679.0 2,834.0 5.8% Total Citizens Working Age Population (000) 2014 728.2 748.6 2.8% Total employed (000) 2014 1,735.3 1,974.5 13.8% Total Citizens Employed (000) 2014 325.6 325.1 -0.2% Total Unemployed (000) 2014 64.7 58.1 -10.2% Total Citizens Unemployed (000) 2014 24.6 17.1 -30.5% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % School Teachers (Gov. and privates) (No) 2014 65,673.0 66,660.0 1.5% School Students (Gov. and Private) (No) 2014 695,938.0 610,008.0 -12.3% Literacy rate (%) 2014 99.2 99.3 0.1% Institutions of higher education (No) 2014 55.0 55.0 0.0% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Physician per 10,000 of the population (No) 2014 2.6 2.6 0.0% Dentists per 10,000 of the population (No) 2014 6.4 6.4 0.0% Nursing staff (No) (No) 2014 63.5 62.9 -0.9% Hospitals (No) 2014 30.0 32.0 6.7% average length of patient stay in hospital (No) 2014 6.0 6.2 3.3% Hospital Beds (No) 2014 8,120.0 8,020.0 -1.2% Hospital beds per 10,000 of the population (No) 2014 22.9 21.3 -7.0% Bed occupancy rate (%) 2014 61.1 62.1 1.6% Infectious diseases reported (No) 2014 7,583.0 7,128.0 -6.0% daily average of outpatient visits (No) 2014 8,859.0 8,767.0 -1.0% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Government Revenue (Mn USD) 2014 112,356.0 102,159.0 -9.1% Government Expenditures (Mn USD) 2014 67,018.0 69,770.6 4.1% Surplus or deficit in the government budget (Mn USD) 2014 45,338.0 32,388.4 -28.6% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % General index of financial markets (Mn USD) 2014 7,550.0 6,536.0 -13.4% Money supply (Mn KWD) 2014 8,985.0 9,464.0 5.3% Money supply (M1) (Mn KWD) 2014 39,340.0 41,543.0 5.6% bank deposits (Mn KWD) 2014 1,481.0 1,493.0 0.8% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Oil Production (000' B/D) 2014 2,921.6 2,866.8 -1.9% Crude Natural Gas (Mn Cu feet /D) 2014 1,579.0 1,454.9 -7.9% Electricity Production (Mn K.WِATT) 2014 60,982 65,137.2 6.8% Water Production (B Gal) 2014 131.0 130.5 -0.4% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Inflation Exclude housing( base year = 2007) (%) 2015 2.3 2.2 - CPI exclude housing (base year = 2007) (Index) 2015 132.9 135.75 - -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % GNI (Mn USD) 2014 188,004.9 178,434.0 -5.1% GDP in Current Price (Mn USD) 2014 174,180.0 163,675.6 -6.0% Growth rate at current prices (%) 2014 0.0 (6.0) - Gross Domestic Product Per Capita (No) 2014 50,514.2 43,445.1 -14.0% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Total Exports (Mn USD) 2014 114,128.0 100,659.0 -11.8% Total Imports (Mn USD) 2014 29,300.9 31,036.0 5.9% Rate of Non-oil exports in total exports (%) 2014 4.5 4.5 0.4% Trade Balance (Mn USD) 2014 84,827.1 69,623.0 -17.9% Total Trade (Mn USD) 2014 143,428.9 131,695.0 -8.2% Intra Trade - Imports (Mn USD) 2014 4,788.1 5,187.1 8.3% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Hotels (No) 2014 93.0 86.0 -7.5% -
Reference date Current value Pervious value % Registered Vehicals (000) 2014 1,748.4 1,837.4 5.1% Accidents (No) 2014 89,527.0 99,047.0 10.6% Internet lines (000) 2013 362.0 383.0 5.8% Fixed telephone lines (000) 2014 500.0 484.0 -3.2%