The Standing Committees and Working Groups are key components of the GCC-Stat governance structure, to support progress in implementing the Road Map and Work Program of the Center. They make significant contributions, in particular, in the efforts to develop and harmonize statistical work across the region, to develop statistical capacities and to assemble statistical data and information from member countries.
All the necessary measures are in place to ensure that the deliberations of the Standing Committees and Working Groups are technically sound while taking into account member countries’ specificities, and that they focus on practical, actionable aspects. The participation of the representatives of member countries in these groups comes in addition to their responsibilities in their respective national statistical centers. The working arrangements focus on providing participants with the appropriate documentation in time, and that there is a complete record of the activities carried out by the groups, as well as their decisions and recommendations.
The guidelines, manuals, questionnaires and technical documents prepared by GCC-Stat and discussed, enriched and adopted by these groups, are important reference materials for use in member countries, as appropriate to the countries’ specificities, thus contributing to achieving the goals and objectives agreed at the GCC level.