Center Website's Version History
20173rd Version
The third version is considered to be the sap of its experience, where it witnessed a radical change in both corners: statistical and technical. On these two, it has have been recreated from the scratch and its branches rearranged. Now, the user should find it so easy to explore his way by himself, surf through the pages, and intuitively know his next point. The site has been built with the latest technical methods out there, and the interactive ways. And most importantly, fueled by statistical data and information in various topics, layouts and levels.
DELETION LIST: Center Services Statistical Services -
20152nd Version
Due to the fact that the first version of the center’s website tricked in haste, so it has become building a second version a goal to the center, taking into account the state of the latest technologies, add useful and convenient services for the user, and let it be browsed and used easily. Moreover, to serve different user segments, and, in particular, statisticians and decision makers.
DELETION LIST: Center Services Statistics Services - Files Center
- Experts Directory
20131st Version
Along with starting up the center, the first edition of its website has been built, in haste. So, it can fulfill the center’s basic requirements. Nonetheless, helping in introducing the center through its initial phases of creation, show some of the main statistics and indicators that of interest to the scene dramatically. In despite of its simple frontend interface, it served to be an important panel of the center’s advertisements like job vacancies and tenders. In addition, it was showing the center’s news and events, even it wasn’t as interactive as it should be.