Hydrogen as a source and carrier of sustainable clean energy in GCC countries
This bulletin sheds light on the most prominent indicators and knowledge about hydrogen, its importance, uses and global demand, as one of the pillars of the future of clean, green and sustainable energy.
regionally and globally, and one of the competitive options in the field of future global energy mix transformations

Trade exchange between the GCC and Sri Lanka
The report reviews trends and indicators of commodity trade between the GCC countries and Sri Lanka and identifies the most important exported and imported commodities in order to serve decision makers, economic and trade policy makers and concerned parties to take appropriate measures to develop commodity trade with Sri Lanka Thursday, 31 March 2022
Trade exchange between the GCC and Ireland
The report reviews trends and indicators of commodity trade between the GCC countries and Ireland and identifies the most important exported and imported commodities in order to serve decision makers, economic and trade policy makers and concerned parties to take appropriate measures to develop commodity trade with Ireland Thursday, 31 March 2022
How COVID-19 is Changing the World
A selection series from the third edition of the report issued by the United Nations Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities on “How COVID-19 is changing the world”,providing a quick overview of the extent to which the pandemic continues to affect the world today across multiple areas of life, as the Gulf Statistical Center contributed by articles In this report Wednesday, 16 June 2021
GCC Human Development Report
A summary report for monitoring progress in human development indicators in the GCC countries in key areas identified by experts of United Nations organizations to measure human development at the global level and detailed at the state level. Domains whose indicators are measured include health, education, income and resource consumption, gender equality, work and working conditions, human security, trade and financial flows, mobility and communication, environment and sustainability, and population.
Thursday, 31 December 2020
Culture Statistics 2018
Bulletin of culture statistics aims to provide users, researchers, decision makers, statistical information about the culture across the GCC. The information in this bulletin reflects the importance of cultural sector in the GCC countries. It will be useful to users in the preparation of further research, studies, and reports. This bulletin is divided into six chapters: Chapter one: cultural and natural heritage, Chapter two: performance art and celebrations, chapter three: multimedia audio-visual and interactive media, chapter four: visual arts and crafts, chapter five: books and newspapers and chapter six: related fields.
Sunday, 08 November 2020
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the sustainable development goals in the GCC countries
This report sheds light on the expected effects of the pandemic on the region, based on the data and information available to the center from national and international sources
Wednesday, 02 September 2020
COVID 19 in GCC Countries
Review the Statistics about COVID 19 in the GCC
Monday, 23 March 2020
Trade Exchange between GCC countries and the European Free Trade Association(EFTA)
The report reviews trends and indicators of commodity trade between the GCC countries and the European Free Trade Association(EFTA) and identifies the most important exported and imported commodities in order to serve decision makers, economic and trade policy makers and concerned parties to take appropriate measures to develop commodity trade with the European Free Trade Association(EFTA) Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Comprehensive Statistical Report
The statistical report covers number of statistical areas in which the Center operates, which will be a general summary of the main indicators in each sector with a simplified analysis of these indicators. The statistical report is an extremely important report that combines a broad range of sectors within a single time frame. The first comprehensive statistical report covers six main sectors: population, education, labor force, environment and water, agriculture and livestock, and energy.
Sunday, 01 March 2020
Ahmed and Sara in the World of Statistics
This publication reviews the statistical data in an entertaining and objective manner that matches the target age range and aims at raising children's awareness of the Gulf unity.
Sunday, 02 February 2020
Information Bulletin - GCC Achievements of the Development of the March of Peace and Goodness
A special issue issued by the Statistical Center of the Gulf Cooperation Council states for the 40th Gulf Summit held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, December 9, 2019
The bulletin presents the achievements of the GCC since 1981 and during the 38 years of the march of Gulf cooperation work, in all economic and social sectors and the gulf common market in addition to GCC competitiveness in international and regional reports.
Tuesday, 03 December 2019
Annual Statistical Yearbook
The book includes statistical data on the GCC countries for the years . The book is divided into ten chapters. The first chapter sheds light on the location and status of the GCC countries in the international economic indicators. Chapter 2 reviews the population and vital data. Chapter 3 and 4 deals with education statistics and health services , And agriculture and livestock. Chapter 5 is devoted to foreign trade statistics. Chapter 6 deals with the economic and financial statistics of the GCC countries. Chapter VII covers energy and water statistics. Chapter 8 and 9 Which was devoted to industry statistics, transport, communications, museums and tourist attractions.
Sunday, 01 December 2019
Competitiveness and Sustainable Development of Energy
A bulletin issued to monitor the performance of GCC countries in the field of competitiveness and sustainable development of the energy sector.This bulletin highlights the agreements and strategies on energy, as well as the most important achievements of the GCC countries in the field of energy (oil, natural gas, electricity), and the progress of the GCC in Goal 7 from the SDG's , In addition to the plans, projects and achievements of the GCC countries in the field of renewable energy (solar, wind).
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
Foreign Trade Exchange between GCC and Republic of Turkey
The report aims to identify trends and indicators of trade exchange between the GCC countries and Republic of Turkey in 2018.
Sunday, 06 October 2019
2020 Census Data Basket
This publication therefore provides the proposed core topics that all member states will provide. The topics are a mixture of directly collected and derived topics. These harmonised topics along with their associated standard definitions and classifications apply to all GCC censuses. This includes censuses conducted using administrative registers, traditional censuses or combined censuses. These topics will also form the basis for common outputs from the 2020 Census.
The data basket focuses on the topics where statistical information (outputs) are required. To help countries prepare for both the collection and preparation of outputs, the data basket shows the main output classifications that will be needed to provide GCC level statistics
Wednesday, 25 September 2019