Items starting with C
Consumer Price Index
The statistical summary contains the most important statistical indicators related to inflation rates in the GCC Countries , and presents a number of graphical forms of these indicators at the level of the GCC as an economic bloc and at the level of member states, with a comparison of the most prominent indicators among the countries of the GCC .
Wednesday, 22 May 2024Contemporary Global Crisis and Risks and their Impact on Food Security for GCC Country2022
The report seeks to shed light on the most important statistical indicators, information and international geographical maps issued by regional technical organizations and bodies specialized in the food security system and its challenges during the period 2020-2022 AD, in addition to highlighting areas of cooperation in the joint Gulf work for the agricultural and food sector. The most important Gulf efforts were also addressed. The patriotism exerted regionally and globally for the food security system and its sustainability, and the global international position of the Cooperation Council on the global map of the food security system.
Sunday, 27 November 2022Culture Statistics 2018
Bulletin of culture statistics aims to provide users, researchers, decision makers, statistical information about the culture across the GCC. The information in this bulletin reflects the importance of cultural sector in the GCC countries. It will be useful to users in the preparation of further research, studies, and reports. This bulletin is divided into six chapters: Chapter one: cultural and natural heritage, Chapter two: performance art and celebrations, chapter three: multimedia audio-visual and interactive media, chapter four: visual arts and crafts, chapter five: books and newspapers and chapter six: related fields.
Sunday, 08 November 2020COVID 19 in GCC Countries
Review the Statistics about COVID 19 in the GCC
Monday, 23 March 2020Comprehensive Statistical Report
The statistical report covers number of statistical areas in which the Center operates, which will be a general summary of the main indicators in each sector with a simplified analysis of these indicators. The statistical report is an extremely important report that combines a broad range of sectors within a single time frame. The first comprehensive statistical report covers six main sectors: population, education, labor force, environment and water, agriculture and livestock, and energy.
Sunday, 01 March 2020Competitiveness and Sustainable Development of Energy
A bulletin issued to monitor the performance of GCC countries in the field of competitiveness and sustainable development of the energy sector.This bulletin highlights the agreements and strategies on energy, as well as the most important achievements of the GCC countries in the field of energy (oil, natural gas, electricity), and the progress of the GCC in Goal 7 from the SDG's , In addition to the plans, projects and achievements of the GCC countries in the field of renewable energy (solar, wind).
Tuesday, 15 October 2019