How COVID-19 is Changing the World

A selection series from the third edition of the report issued by the United Nations Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities on “How COVID-19 is changing the world”,providing a quick overview of the extent to which the pandemic continues to affect the world today across multiple areas of life, as the Gulf Statistical Center contributed by articles In this report
Wednesday, 16 June 2021Specifications
- How COVID-19 is Changing the World - Financial Implications for Statistical Operations, Part 1 of the 3rd Edition
- How COVID-19 is Changing the World -The Economic Impactss, Part 2 of the 3rd Edition
- How COVID-19 is Changing the World -Social Impacts on Statistical Operations, Part 3 of the 3rd Edition
- How COVID-19 is Changing the World -Impacts on Travel and Tourism, Part 4 of the 3rd Edition