Technical papers

GCC Assess the Current Status of the National Statistical System Form
This form aims to collect the information necessary to assess the current situation of the statistical system at the national level of GCC countries and determine the adequacy of the statistical outputs produced by national and local statistical agencies, and the extent of user satisfaction and the extent to which their needs

Pre-Conditions for an Administrative Statistical Business Register (SBR) in GCC Countries
Statistics offices need to ensure that the legislation exist to allow the data producers to share their data with the NSO, and ensure that the administrative records coverage and scope enough for needed data, satisfy the statistics needs and work closely with the data produces and develop a plan to enhance the records by adopting and applying the international statistics concepts, definitions and classifications to get the benefit from them to create a central statistics data base for businesses and establishments having all transaction related to every establishment from the date of born to death.

Ten Recommendations for Improving Coordination within National Statistical Systems in GCC Countries
The main aim of these recommendations is to provide National Statistics Centers in GCC countries with a short summary of the main international recommendations to significantly and sustainably improve coordination of their respective National Statistical Systems, which in turn will contribute to reaching.
published by GCC-STAT