Categories starting with T

Items starting with T

Ten Recommendations for Improving Coordination within National Statistical Systems in GCC Countries

Ten Recommendations for Improving Coordination within National Statistical Systems in GCC Countries

3.0/10 rating 1 vote

The main aim of these recommendations is to provide National Statistics Centers in GCC countries with a short summary of the main international recommendations to significantly and sustainably improve coordination of their respective National Statistical Systems, which in turn will contribute to reaching.


published by GCC-STAT

The implementation of the Gulf or national classification of economic activities based on the International Classification

The implementation of the Gulf or national classification of economic activities based on the International Classification

5.0/10 rating 1 vote

The first chapter focuses on the implementation of the national classification of economic activities based on the international classification in statistical production. The second chapter deals with the implementation of the national classification of economic activities in the administrative records, including the challenges facing the process of implementing the classification and the benefits of successful application.

published by GCC-STAT

The Pre-Conditions for the Implementation of the annual Harmonized Labour  Force Survey 2016  in the GCC Countries

The Pre-Conditions for the Implementation of the annual Harmonized Labour Force Survey 2016 in the GCC Countries

5.0/10 rating 1 vote

This document contribute to monitoring the countries’ ability to implement the annual harmonized labour force survey 2016. The pre-conditions represent the basic steps towards the implementation of a harmonized labour force survey, which will enable the GCC-Stat to provide coordinated labour statistics at the GCC countries level as a bloc.

The structure of the recommendations related to the preparation of the quality report for GCC statistics

The structure of the recommendations related to the preparation of the quality report for GCC statistics

5.0/10 rating 1 vote

The objective of this manual is to clarify the methods and methods used to achieve the quality standards, as well as to conduct an accurate assessment of the quality of the reliability and suitability of the statistics for the different purposes and needs of users


Published by GCC-STAT 

The System of National Accounts, 2008 ( SNA 2008 )

The System of National Accounts, 2008 ( SNA 2008 )

6.3/10 rating (3 votes)


United Nations has prepared the System of National Accounts manual that contains comprehensive conceptual and accounting framework that can be used to create a macroeconomic database suitable for analyzing and evaluating the performance of an economy.

 published by UNITED NATION.

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