Manuals and Concepts

Guidelines for the implementation of the unified workforce survey 2016 in the GCC countries
This manual includes a list of basic concepts and definitions that are considered to be the most important requirements that should be taken into account to support the preparation and understanding of the basics of international standards in the survey. This list may also benefit States in their national review to prepare for the implementation of the 2016 Consolidated Manpower Survey. Reference to International Labour Organization standards

Monitoring labour markets amid lockdowns to contain the COVID-19 virus
The guidance is being developed amid a rapidly evolving situation. It will need to be adapted to the national context and changing circumstances. The note nevertheless underscores the importance of maintaining consistency in how headline indicators, such as employment and unemployment rates, are measured following the established international standards. At the same time, it stresses the need to expand the range of statistics and analysis reported on beyond basic headline labour market indicators, to support wider monitoring and better inform decision-making

The Pre-Conditions for the Implementation of the annual Harmonized Labour Force Survey 2016 in the GCC Countries
This document contribute to monitoring the countries’ ability to implement the annual harmonized labour force survey 2016. The pre-conditions represent the basic steps towards the implementation of a harmonized labour force survey, which will enable the GCC-Stat to provide coordinated labour statistics at the GCC countries level as a bloc.