Manuals and Concepts

Energy Statistics Manual
This guide aims to provide information systems on energy and contributes to better understanding of tariffs and facilitate the use of units and conversion factors, in addition to clarifying the methodology used.
Published by The International Energy Agency (IEA) and Eurostat

International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES)
The Guide aim to promote energy statistics as part of official statistics by providing recommendations on concepts, definitions, classifications, data sources, data collection methods, institutional arrangements, approaches to data quality assessment, metadata and dissemination policies.
Published by United Nations

List of Energy Products
This directory contains a list of the most widely used energy products in the region. It is divided into four chapters: coal, oil, petroleum products, natural gas, renewable energy and electricity. Each chapter contains a product table, an international energy and trade classification code, HS classification, CPC, SIEC, and international definitions of energy products.
Published by GCC-STAT