CurrencyDinar Kuwati
Density 211.4387 person / Km22
Area 17818 km2
National Day25th Feb
Establishment of the General Authority for Statistics1963
State of Kuwait Profile
  • Reference date Current value Pervious value %
    Population (No)2014 3,448,139.0 3,767,415.0 9.3%
    Population Natural Increase Rate in GCC Countries(000 from population) (000 from population)2014 16.5 15.5 -6.1%
    Child Dependency Ratio for Total Population in GCC Countries (%)2014 29.7 29.4 -1.0%
    Percentage of population among the GCC countries (%)2014 7.1 7.5 6.0%
    Male ratio from total population (%)2014 56.1 55.7 -0.7%
    Femal ratio from total population (%)2014 43.9 44.3 0.9%
    Gender ratio (males per 100 females) (%)2014 128.0 125.5 -2.0%