GCC-STAT Organizes Regional Workshop on Water Statistics
Muscat_ The Gulf Cooperation Council Statistical Center (GCC-STAT) organized on Monday a two-day workshop on water statistics in the GCC countries in Muscat, with the participation of stakeholders in the water field at the national bodies and the ministries of environment at the GCC countries.
The workshop aims at enhancing the understanding of international standards on water statistics in the GCC statistical system, explaining the links among water data sets / collections and the preparation of the accompanying balance as well as discussing the users’ requirements, and enhancing the knowledge exchange and cooperation among producers of water statistics.
The workshop in its first day included discussed several topics such as reviewing international questionnaires on renewable fresh water sources, practical exercises and presentation of the use of national data on renewable fresh water sources and the preparations for the first national report on renewable fresh water sources. The workshop additionaly focused on renewable fresh water extraction and its uses in addition to presenting a range of GCC water statistics during the past years.
The workshop resumes its work today Wednesday on the second day of the workshop by holding three sessions where the first one focuses on water supply industry while the second session will be dedicated for practical exercises on the water supply industry besides presenting a number of GCC water statistics, and the preparations for the first national report on the water supply industry. The third session will address introducing the international questionnaires and it will focus on wastewater production and treatment.
The workshop concluded with showcasing a number of international questionnaires that focuses on population who live on wastewater treatment connections. It will also include reviewing a number of GCC statistics and the preparations for the first national report on population who live on wastewater treatment connections. The workshop will also discuss supplementary information and the water balance across the national level, in order to come out with a number of recommendations that will serve the water sector at the GCC countries.