GCC-STAT Hosts the First Meeting of the Energy Statistics Task Force
The Gulf Cooperation Council Statistical Center hosted over two consecutive days the first meeting of the energy statistics task force, in which a number of topics related to energy statistics were discussed in addition to reviewing developments and action plans of the GCC member states statistic centers.
The meeting also touched upon the results of the survey carried out by the GCC-STAT and gave an overview of the technical support provided by GCC-STAT to national statistical centers in the field of energy statistics. Additionally, a review was done of the roadmap for development of energy statistics during the period (2015-2020) and the action plan for (2015-2016). Participants in the meeting discussed the experience of GCC member states in the field of energy statistics and detailed technical and training needs required to achieve its goals.
The GCC-STAT 2015-2016 action plan for energy statistics aims to adopt international standards, unifying the energy statistics system in GCC member states, and preparing for the implementation of the uniform energy consumption survey.